Global informations

In this section you can read most important informations about services / features related to modules. Some of them may be required to make our plugins work. Each time it will be required - you will find such information on documentation of order page.

Pages related to Global informations
  1. Global informations
    In this section you can read most important informations about services / features related to modules. Some of them may be required to make our plugins work. Each time it will be required - you will find such information on documentation of (...) more ›
    1. How to create cron job
      Cron feature is the most useful utility that you can find in any Unix-like operating system, but also on windows operating system. This utulity is used to schedule commands at a specific time. These scheduled commands are called "Cron Jobs" (...) more ›
    2. Disabled overrides
      Some part of modules uses overrides mechanism. In context of PrestaShop overriding is a way to "override" Prestashop's core files (class files and controller files). In simple words core files defines how PrestaShop works. So, w (...) more ›